Tuesday, November 13, 2018

144. The Retired Days

A father and a daughter are talking at home. The daughter is attending the Time Management course at NILS.

Father: I need your help.

Daughter: Come again!

Father: I need your help in time management.

Daughter: Seriously, I don’t believe what I hear.

Father: Well, you should believe that. I want you to draw up a plan for my daily activities.

Daughter: I always thought you had no trust on the NILS courses.

Father: You thought right. And I still don’t have any faith in them. But since I am paying for your course anyway, I want something in return.

Daughter: So, this is basically a return on your investment?

Father: If you want to call it that…

Daughter (sighing): What daily activities do you have?

Father: Walking, gardening, reading newspapers, reading books, going to the market, going to the chess club, eating and taking naps.

Daughter: Dad, you are retired. I do not understand why you need any plans! You can do all that on one day without making any schedules. You have all the time.

Father: Yes, I have all the time. But everybody has the same amount of time. Now I want to know, what is the best way for me to utilize that time by doing what I do.

Daughter: Why can’t you just do them one after the other? There is no fixed timing.

Father: Please consider that I am not young and need rest. I have no wish to rush through things. I have had enough of that in my working life. I want to be fit and yet sleep a lot. And it is important that I read books and play chess every day. So, I am giving you the assignment to plan my retired days. And I have already paid for the service.

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