Thursday, June 28, 2018

7. Admission Letter 2


Dear Sir,
We are pleased to confirm your admission to the Certified Course in Family Management at the  2018 July-December Session of the National Institute of Life Skills.
The course will consist of classroom teaching, case study and applied sessions. The Institute also has a library for self-study and an interactive space meant for group studies.
Classes begin on Sunday, 1st July 2018.  Please produce this letter at our office to collect the Starter Pack. Attached please find the course timeline and weekly schedule. 
We will be happy to see you at the Institute.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,


1st July – 30th November: Regular sessions
1st – 10th December: Study leaves
11th – 24th December: Examinations


The Institute is closed on Mondays.
The library and the interactive space is open from 12:00 to 18:00 hours everyday except on Mondays. 
The faculty will be available for one-on-one discussions on Wednesdays between 14:00 and 18:00 hours. Prior appontments are not mandatory.

Class Routine:
Thursday: 18:30 – 20:30 – Paper I, Joint and Nuclear Families
Friday: 18:30 – 20:30 – Paper II, Newlyweds
Saturday: 16:00 – 18:00 – Paper III, Core and Extended Family
                  18:00 – 18:30 – Break
                  18:30 – 20:30 – Case Study
Sunday: 15:00 – 17:00 – Paper IV, Family Politics
                17:00 – 17:30 – Break
                17:30 – 20:30 – Applied Session

After 15.09. all classes related to Paper I will be substituted with Paper V, Application of Family.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

6. Admission Letter 1


Dear Madam,
We are pleased to confirm your admission to the Certified Course for Time Management at the  2018 July-December Session of the National Institute of Life Skills.
The course will consist of classroom teaching, case study and applied sessions. The Institute also has a library for self-study and an interactive space meant for group studies.
Classes begin on Sunday, 1st July 2018.  Please produce this letter at our office to collect the Starter Pack. Attached please find the course timeline and weekly schedule. 
We will be happy to see you at the Institute.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,


1st July – 30th November: Regular sessions
1st – 10th December: Study leaves
11th – 24th December: Examinations


The Institute is closed on Mondays.
The library and the interactive space is open from 12:00 to 18:00 hours everyday except on Mondays.
The faculty will be available for one-on-one discussions on Wednesdays between 14:00 and 18:00 hours. Prior appontments are not mandatory.

Class Routine:
Thursday: 18:30 – 20:30 – Paper I, Task-Time Relations
Friday: 18:30 – 20:30 – Paper II, Priority Analysis
Saturday: 16:00 – 18:00 – Paper III, Goal Setting
                  18:00 – 18:30 – Break
                  18:30 – 20:30 – Case Study
Sunday: 15:00 – 17:00 – Paper IV, Micro Management
                17:00 – 17:30 – Break
                17:30 – 20:30 – Applied Session

After 15.09. all classes related to Paper I will be substituted with Paper V, Macro Management.

Monday, June 25, 2018

5. Applicants

Father and daughter
F: The courses can be quite expensive. Have you made enquiries about the course fee?
D: They are not that expensive. I know.
F: You do not know, you think.
D: My friends have done it. I know. You always say time is money. So, now I want to invest some money to learn time management.
F: That is a bad excuse. I still think if you had to do it, you should have gone for the office course. That would help you.
D: That is like too specific, dad. To job oriented. The time management is a general purpose course. And this is exactly what I need. I am always running out of time, especially on the college days.
F: Then look for a course that teaches you to wake up early.

At home
Wife: This will really help us, you know? This family handling. Remember, just the other day we were talking about how family is sometimes more difficult than work?
Husband: Yes. Not only my side of the family, by the way. Yours too.
Wife: But you do not need to deal with my family as much as I have to do with yours. I need this more than you.
Husband: Alright. Then apply.
Wife: It is a half year course. When do I have the time? 
Husband: You just said you wanted to!
Wife: I said we need it. So, you can join and teach me later. It is the same thing, na? We can share the course fee fifty-fifty.
Husband: So generous! And when do I have the time?
Wife: After office, when I am doing our kids' homework. There are only evening classes and very less pressure. I did that workday breakfast crash course last year from NILS, have you forgotten already? That was easy. The exam at the end was very easy too.
Husband: Breakfast and family are not the same. And we eat only toasts everyday anyway. A fine help that course turned out to be!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

4. Course Objectives (contd.)

Time Management
This certified course on time management provides training and education to effectively fulfil the expectations and demands of every well-wisher during the finite time between birth and death. Lasting six months, this course is valuable for overworked conformists and socially and financially incompetent intellectuals alike. The course will help the participants to set priorities and goals to please everybody.  It also encompasses concepts of self-replicating goals, theory of chaotic priority, camouflaged pastime, etc.

English for Chatting         
This three months crash course educates students about the fifty eight major and more than two hundred minor dialects of Indian English and trains them to implement their own personally curated dialects instead. After attending this three months course, the students will be able to confidently forward messages and use smileys in a conversation. The course covers areas like display of routine happiness, ambiguous interjections and emojis, expression of subtle or virulent displeasure, etc.

Work-Life Balancing
The course lasts three months and makes the students familiar with a see-saw. On successful completion of this crash course a student will be able to overcompensate and undercompensate while waiting for requirement.

3. Course Objectives

(From the NILS website)

Social Media Usage
This course aims to facilitate the use, abuse and disuse of social media in every phase of life. Lasting six months, the course guides the participants to effectively operate the various social networking media and successfully manifest a radiant, productive and happening social life in company of radiant, productive and happening friends, contacts and contacts of friends or vice versa. The course encompasses topics like self-profiling, legible use of English for chatting, production and reduction of content and contacts, stalking etc.

Party Politics
This six months’ training is highly beneficial to all who strive to transform their relationships with politics from survival and endurance to positions of power, respect and self-righteous violence. This course will provide the necessary education and technical know-how on aggression in the name of political causes and on-spot violence against a suggested enemy. The course covers areas like the concept of uncorrupt politicians belonging only to the candidate’s party, the purpose of a democratic existence, understanding and winning elections, left right center above under front and behind, etc.  

Family Management
This course will prepare the Certifieds to survive, grow and excel in the highly pressurized and status-oriented field of family. This highly researched tailor made course is suitable to a wide range of family functionaries ranging from low level semi-existential members of a large family to newlyweds embarking upon the voyage of starting a new pseudo-independent nuclear family. Topics covered in this course include morphology of large and nuclear families, active and successful participation in family politics, roles and relative importance of family members, applications of family etc.

Office Dynamics
This six months certification is helpful to freshers and experienced employees alike in decoding the complexities and subtle hypocrisies of the contemporary working environment. The course will enhance and improve the Certifieds’ interpersonal skills and inculcate and strengthen the ability to withstand and endure volatile and misguiding environments. The areas covered by the course are colleagues’ typology, dissemination of rumors and secrets, psychology of helplessness and frustration, stagnation and doom etc.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

2. A Couple of Friends

A: NILS is offering a course on Internet English. Did you see the advertisement?
B: No, where did you see it?
A: In today’s paper. They usually start courses twice a year.
B: I did not see the advertisement. Internet English, huh?
A: Yes. Or something similar. Wait, I took a photo of the advertisement. Umm…yes, here. English for Chatting.
B: Okay, chatting. Hmm. Do you want to join?
A: Actually, yeah. And it is a three months crash course, not too long.
B: What other courses do they have this time?  Show me that photo.
A: Wait, I am sending it to you by Whatsapp.
B: Yes, got it. Let’s see…office and family? What will they train exactly?
A: No idea. They have given a website for course details.
B: Office dynamics sounds useful. It is for six months though.
A: Yes, but classes are only in the evenings. And it is a mixture of classroom teaching and home study. My brother did a course on body language last year. It was for three months but he had classes only four days a week. And mostly in the evening.
B: I could use a certificate in office dynamics. It will help me getting into HR.
A: God knows I could use some practical English lessons.
B: Let's check out the website first.

1. New Session

(An advertisement in a newspaper)


The NILS invites applications from interested candidates  for the following courses:

Certification in Social Media Usage
6 months
Certification in Party Politics
6 months
8th Standard
Certification in Family Management
6 months
Certification in Office Dynamics
6 months
Certification in Time Management
6 months
12th Standard
Crash Course in English for Chatting
3 months
Crash Course in Work-life Balancing
3 months

For further information on courses and to download application forms, please log on to .