Thursday, December 20, 2018

181. Question Paper for Work and Life

Question paper for the examination of Paper I (Work and Life), Work-Life Balancing Course

Answer any five. Each question carries ten marks.

1. Explain why there is a Working Class but no Living Class.

2. Give short definitions of Working Condition, Shelf Life and Reserve Stock. Describe how these parameters are to be applied to humans.

3. In prehistoric ages daily work like hunting and finding shelters or caves were the fundamental functions of life. Discuss when and how during the course of human history work became labelled as work.

4. (i) Does the entertainment industry exist for enjoying Life or for reducing stress at Work? Justify.
(ii) Do we watch films to forget Life or to forget Work? Give your opinion.

5. Describe what constitutes work and what constitutes life for the following persons:
(i) a toddler
(ii) a terminal cancer patient
(iii) the son of a billionaire tycoon
(iv) a housewife in an ultra-conservative family.

6. (i) Outline at least five different ways to celebrate free time without drinking, smoking, snorting or injecting stuff.
(ii) Give convincing arguments why one should do the first five and not the last four. Or the other way round.

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