Thursday, December 13, 2018

174. Question Paper for Goal Setting

Question paper for the examination of Paper III (Goal Setting), Time Management Course

Answer any five. Each question carries ten marks.

1. Describe the goals you had set for yesterday. How many of them could you reach successfully and how many partially? Explain your failure with respect to Reluctant Goals.

2. “While trying to achieve your goals, your role is not that of the goal keeper but of a striker who is playing against an ultra-defensive team.” Explain.

3. Compare your goals with that of your grandmother’s and explain why grandparents are distinctly more at peace than their grandchildren.

4. Describe your five most ambitious goals in life. Explain what makes you think you can ever achieve them.

5. (i) What are Principal Goals and what are Subordinate Goals?
(ii) What are your Subordinate Goals when your Principal Goal is “to be happy”?

6. Describe the different methods you can use to demotivate your competitor(s) from realizing their goals and ambitions.

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