Wednesday, December 12, 2018

173. Question Paper for Political Systems and Parties

Question paper for the examination of Paper I (Political Systems and Parties), Party Politics Course

Answer any five. Each question carries ten marks.

1. Outline the similarities among left, centre and right parties.

2. What is your country’s Means of Production? How can it be seized? Evaluate the chance of success for the same.

3. Explain why the buildings constructed under dictatorships are drab, gigantic and colourless while subversive political graffiti is compact, loud and colourful.

4. Describe the various methods used to rig elections and buy voters for senate elections in ancient Rome.

5. (i) Select any national party in India. Justify why this party is the best candidate to rule the country. 
(ii) Select another party. Do the same.

6. (i) Explain how it is so easy for Foreigners to come to your country and get the jobs that you do not get.
(ii) Name three parties and/or communities who are selling the country. Explain who is the buyer.

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