Friday, December 21, 2018

182. Question Paper for Political Statement Making

Question paper for the examination of Paper V (Political Statement Making), Party Politics Course

Answer any five. Each question carries ten marks.

1. Write a letter for a magazine accusing the opposition party of not adhering to democracy. Argue how they are fundamentally autocratic. Conclude the letter by explaining why all opposition should be abolished to save democracy.

2. You are a member of the legislative assembly and your youngest son has died of drug overdose. Prepare three statements for the media with the following three goals:
(i) To garner public sympathy
(ii) To establish yourself as a martyr for the country
(iii) To divert public attention away from your son.

3. Describe the various forms and uses of propaganda in electoral democracy.

4. (i) Choose any religious community and prepare a short speech to hurt its sentiments.
(ii) Write a scathing reply on behalf of that community.

5. Write a report on your local football match in the language of a violent demonstration.

6. Write a 200 words article for a journal to explain why people should care for political ideologies when all they want are better roads and 24 hours water supply.

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