Monday, December 24, 2018

185. Question Paper for The Balancing Act

Question paper for the examination of Paper III (The Balancing Act), Work-Life Balancing Course

Answer any five. Each question carries ten marks.

1. Write short notes on: work, homework, work from home, home from work.

2. Outline the steps you will take to overcome (i) Sunday Evening Depression Syndrome (SEDS) and (ii) Wednesday Morning Frustration Syndrome (WMFS).

3. (i) You work 110 hours a week. You met your son/daughter the other day on the street and failed to recognize him/her as your child. People are very angry at home. How will you make up for it?
(ii) Your boss has seen a photo of you holidaying on a beach. You are wearing a blue “Fuck My Boss, Bitch!” T-Shirt. You were also on sick leave with a fake medical certificate. How do you handle the situation?

4. You have come to office in the morning and found that the office is closed. You have enquired and realized that it is Sunday.
(i) Diagnose your condition.
(ii) Describe five possible reasons why your wife and kids and other people at home did not stop you from leaving for office on a Sunday morning.

5. (i) Prepare a set of arguments to explain to your boss that you need to spend more time with your family.
(ii) Prepare a set of arguments to explain to your subordinate why She/he needs to spend more time in office.

6. You wish to take a five day vacation during the Christmas week.
(i) Outline the lies you will have to tell your boss and the HR.
(ii) Describe the fake evidences you will need to furnish to substantiate those lies.
(iii) Describe which steps you will need to take after the vacation to ensure you do not get fired.

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