Wednesday, December 19, 2018

180. Question Paper for Micro Management

Question paper for the examination of Paper IV (Micro Management), Time Management Course

Answer any five. Each question carries ten marks.

1. Define Self-replicating Goals. Explain why we always have to do something else before doing the actual thing. How can this phenomenon be incorporated in a time based schedule?

2. How can you overlap work and pleasure? Explain why you should brag about this ability among your friends and family but hide it from your employer.

3. (i) Define a Vanished Morning.
(ii) Make an activity-time relation table for the period between your waking up in the morning and leaving for work.
(iii) How can you reduce the total time in the above table by half so that you can sleep more?

4. Explain why you should care for time while time does not care for you.

5. (i) When was the last time you managed to do something on time?
(ii) How did that happen?
(iii) How can it be avoided in future?

6. Describe the disruptive effects of the following on a well-made schedule:
(i) promotion of a colleague who is not you,
(ii) last evening’s rancid street food,
(iii) the boss’s daughter,
(iv) an uncontrolled rage.

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