Monday, October 8, 2018

108. Trust Issues

A married couple is talking at home. The husband is attending the Family Management course, mostly as a result of his wife’s insistence.

Wife (reading the cover of a book): Basics of Book Keeping. Where did you get this book from?

Husband: From the NILS library of course.

Wife: Why?

Husband: Because I want to learn book keeping and financial planning for my family.

Wife: Why do you need a book for that?

Husband: Because I have never learnt accounting of any kind. We were taught some basic family finances in class last week and then the teacher said we are going to do some projects and observation assignments on family planning. So, I thought…

Wife: Project on family planning? What on earth is that? And what observation?

Husband: I meant financial planning for a family. Not making a family (rolls eyes). We are going to learn how to keep systematic accounts of family assets and liabilities.

Wife: And you thought the only way to do that is by learning from a book and do it yourself?

Husband: What is the problem? Why are you so upset?

Wife: Upset? Your wife is a commerce graduate who works in a bank and you try to learn finances from a book but don't ask me to teach you instead. You have no trust in me.

Husband: Where is this coming from?

Wife: From this bloody book. This is so shocking! You have absolutely no trust in my capabilities. It never occured to you that I could do the financial planning of the family myself. That I have professional training.

Husband: If you are so confident about your accounting skills, then why haven’t you ever – I mean ever – tried to keep any accounts of our expenditures?

Wife: Because I knew you would not trust me with it. And see, how right I was.