Part of the syllabus of Paper
II (Information Sharing and Searching), Social Media Usage Course
3. Interests and attention – The Tenet of Pubic Attention: mundane self
vs. enviable others. Failure of self as
an agent of happiness for others. The Attention Microspan. Micro units of time.
Praise as envy and envy as praise. Concept of life as a bulletin board. Types
of bulletins: happy proclamations, sad emotions, nostalgic feelings, visual
details of events, outpouring of wrath, criticism of authority. (…)
4. (…) Importance and identification of a good photographer. Differences
between photos and selfies. Reasons for uploading selfies: being
self-sufficient, being lonely, being the photographer of the group, being
narcissist, being a lone traveler, being bored and having a selfie phone.
6. The lives of others – General introduction to voyeurism. Self as a
target of voyeurism from others. Peeping Tom and Snooping Linda. Systematic
methods for following a person in social media: notifications, hourly checking,
setting alarms for checking, using aliases, befriending next of kin, befriending
target person with false pretenses.
7. Stalking – Introduction to daily life in prison. History of Police
beatings before and after Independence in India. Anatomy and morphology of
Social Disgrace. The concept of illegal pleasure. Oversexualization of the
target person (or animal). Imaginary interactions with target persons. Regular
and intermittent stalking. Basic modes of shadowing without being caught. Blurring
the line between imagination and reality. The concept of Unreciprocated
Admiration. Baiscs of drawing. Equations of a straight line. Where, when and
how to draw a line.
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