Thursday, August 9, 2018

48. Looking Into The Classrooms

Venue: National Institute of Life Skills. Time: 7 pm.

Social Media Usage:
The students are reading an article on how Tinder can be used by psychiatrists to boost confidence and increase self-esteem among good looking people and Photoshop experts.

Party Politics:
The teacher is explaining under what type of social circumstances it might seem like a good idea to have a revolution and give up all ownership.

Family Management
The students are analyzing the different social definitions of ‘family’ in various parts of the world, e.g. the Indian Subcontinent, the Far East, the Middle East, East Europe, West Europe, USA, South America etc.

Office Dynamics
Each student is writing a mail to his/her boss – imaginary, if need be – which will inform the boss about the completion of a certain project, claim the entire credit personally with due subtlety and put all his/her colleagues and team members in a slightly negative position.

Time Management
The teacher is explaining the concept of Invisible Time. It is the time spent on activities which are not considered as time-taking. For example, going to washrooms, checking WhatsApp messages at five minutes intervals, combing hair, searching for a pen to jot down a number etc. The teacher stresses on the fact that Invisible Time is extremely accumulative.
“It does not create any impact at that moment,” she is saying, “but if you are not cautious, the Invisible Time will accumulate and threaten to disrupt your entire schedule.”

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