From Art of Work by P. Sanyal and V. D. Muthu (Suggested Reading, Office
Dynamics, Paper I – Work Environment and Colleagues)
Any organization with multiple hierarchical levels offers promotions to
its employees. Promotion is a highly sought after affair and often followed by
celebrations with friends and family.
But that might not be a good idea in every instance.
Celebrating a promotion must depend on the nature of the promotion.
There are five different types of promotions in general. We outline them in the
following section.
In case of an automatic promotion, the employee is promoted by
the organization not because of any specific reason but because of standard
rules of employment. Seniority on its own can merit this type of promotion.
It is best not to celebrate it, though. Firstly, there is hardly
anything to celebrate and secondly, if this can be kept secret from the family,
the extra money can be very useful for personal aspirations.
In case of an earned promotion, the employee has worked hard and
it is by all means an achievement worthy of praises. One needs also to ensure
that the colleagues do not suspect foul play behind the promotion.
A hearty celebration with telling of stories of the above mentioned hard
work is recommended. Please do not omit the telling of the stories.
In case of a claimed promotion, the employee has snatched the
promotion from somebody else and made it her/his own by application of
questionable methods.
Keep quiet.
In case of a golden promotion the employee is transferred to on-site
duties in the USA.
Sit back and let your family tell everyone and organize the
In case of a dumped promotion, the employee is made to take a
higher position in the company in order to tackle some very difficult and nasty
issues which the previous occupant could not get rid of.
Make a fuss, let everybody know and upload your updated CV.
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